The Motivational Post

A lot has happened since my last post LAST YEAR!!

Well, not a lot, I just had one more baby, Zeina.

Baby Z

It’s amazing how “just one more baby” can turn your life upside down. I don’t know how people with 5 kids have their crap together, but with a 3 year old and a 1 year old I have no control on anything in my life whatsoever; not my sleep, not my diet, not my well-being, not my outings, not even my freakin brain cells (more on that in the future).

Maybe I’m just not mother-material.

I know. There is nothing motivational in what you’ve read so far. But this is for all the people who have office jobs and wont stop complaining about having too much work, a horrible boss, long working hours or about being underpaid.


Whatever you’re doing, be thankful you’re not a full-time mom: We have a humongous workload (and are on-call 24/7), TERRIBLE bosses, no lunch break, no sitting on our butts (damn you maps of varicose veins on the legs!) AND we don’t get paid. How fun is that?!

So yeah. Quit complaining and be thankful.

Bonus: You also don’t have to give two kids a second bath because your 11 months old pooped right before you take her out of the water.

Don’t be fooled by the cute motherhood pictures and quotes you see everywhere. It certainly doesn’t feel that it’s “all worth it” …. at least not for me, and not right now. Having said that, I will never stop giving my daughters the best I can because they are my responsibility and no one else’s. Being a stay-at-home-mom is my choice every single moment. Maybe one day it’ll all be worth it.

Travelling With A Baby

This month my husband had some work in a country that was 12 plane-hours away. So I decided to go with him because I wouldn’t miss the opportunity and of course we decided to take Aya with us. And let me tell you: I will N.E.V.E.R. travel with a baby ever again.

Not because I was exhausted, but because we made her exhausted. We were only going for one week. She suffered from jet lag; she would sleep at 4 pm and wake up at 4 or 5 am, so we couldn’t really do much and basically stayed in the hotel room most of the day.

I felt sorry for her. She cried a lot because everything changed all of sudden. I kept telling my husband that I should’ve left her with my mom and she would still be a happy baby.

So now I learned my lesson. If I had to I will stay with here at home but I will never make her go through this again, not even to a country that is 2 hours away.

Special Birthmark

Aya didn’t have any birthmark when she was born. A few weeks later a dark, red, symmertrical mark appeared right below her nose. I thought the pacifier caused it so I changed it and gave her a smaller one, but the mark didn’t go away. When we took her to the pediatrician he said it was a birthmark and we immediately felt at ease. He also said that it might fade away within the first 4 years.

Aya's birthmark

Aya’s birthmark

I don’t know if it’s because I’m her mother or what, but I think it’s so cute and unique! Whenever a stranger sees it though they think she’s sick or hurt.

Ever since I knew it’s a birthmark I decided that I will not try to remove it surgically unless Aya is old and aware enough and she asks that she wants it gone. But last week my aunt saw her and  told us that if it didn’t fade away we should remove it before Aya goes to elementary school because that’s when kids can be mean and might bully her for it. I never thought of this! I think she’s right. I shouldn’t be selfish just because I think it’s a cute birthmark. Even when she’s 7 or 8 years old she would still be too young to make such decisions, right?

But what if she grew up to be this strong girl who didn’t give a damn about other kids? What if she actually liked her birthmark?

I know I shouldn’t make such a big deal over this issue, but I’m just saying…

I Don’t Want to Die With You, Thank You Very Much!

I wish people can be more respectful.

More considerate.

More human.

People think that they have the right to do anything they want regardless of the negative effects their actions have on other people. For example, every single time I go to the mall, there is at least one douche who smokes while walking inside the mall, leaving a trail of nasty smoke behind him. I never cared before, but when I got pregnant it started to piss me off. Why does my baby have to suffer because an ignorant man cannot take his butt to the smoking area and harm only himself and other smokers?

Why does the old lady on the wheelchair have to inhale all this smoke just because that man is walking in front of her?

My husband used to smoke. I always thought it was sexy so I took pictures of him smoking all the time. he quit shortly after we got married.

My husband used to smoke. I always thought it was sexy so I took pictures of him smoking all the time.
He quit shortly after we got married.

I blame those people’s parents. They obviously didn’t spend any effort teaching their egoistic kids how to respect other people. They never taught them that their freedom ends where other people’s freedom begins.

And since parents and schools are doing a lousy job with today’s generation, the only thing left to save the decent population is the law. Unfortunately, even that sucks. They put huge ‘No-Smoking’ signs in the mall and expect people to just do the right thing, as if they were raised to know what’s right and what’s wrong. The mall’s security personnels see people who smoke and just let them be! If you don’t punish them for doing the wrong thing, how do you expect them to respect you?

Lousy parenting and no strict laws….not a good combination. Sigh!